Sunday, July 14, 2024

Episode 22 - CLERKS Review (We're not even suppose to be here today)


EPISODE 22 - Clerks Review
(We're not even suppose to be here today)

Three guys sitting behind a store counter talking about one of Kevin Smith's more renowned film, Clerks. The guys are joined this evening by a large panel of fellow podcasters.

Cyber : From CyberneticShark and TheMCUBleedingEdge Webcast

Jeff S : a.k.a. Trueknowledge from TheMCUBleedingEdge

Andy : From FatDudeDigsFlicks podcast.

All six talk about the film from story card to story card.  They discuss how whiney Dante can be in the movie.  They also breakdown the relationship between Dante and his girlfriend Veronica.  We also get some tangential stories about working in the customer service industry from Tim and Andy.  

Rick gives us the 411 on the emotional direction from Dante and his thoughts on his ex-girlfriend Caitlin Bree.  We also discuss the friendship of Randal and Dante and what makes there duo act work well in the film. 

Finally, Cyber lays down some of his knowledge on the film and why we call him Cyberpedia.

Find out this and more on this episode of Middle Age Movie Reviews.

Direct Download

Where to find the film : PlutoTv

Where to find Cyber:  Instagram

Where to find Jeff: Facebook

Where to find Andy: Facebook

Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.

Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies

Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?  

1 hour and 42 mins

Tim:  Yes

Tim's Remaining Death Clock (2,768 hours and 30 min)

Matt:  Yes

Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,767 hours and 02 Min)

Rick:  Yes

Rick's Remaining Death Clock (2,795 hours and 44 Min)

Cyber:  Yes

Andy:  Yes

Jeff: Yes

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  MIDDLE AGE MOVIE REVIEWS Year #2 EPISODE 48 - Akira (Anime or Japanimation?)