Saturday, October 19, 2024

Episode 33 - Halloween Horror Month ( 3 of 5 ) The Thing


EPISODE 33 - The Thing

Our hosts Tim, Matt, Joey, are stranded in an base at the South Pole with their famed bush pilot Geoff. The four guys sit around a old tube TV as they watch the 1982 classic John Carpenter film The Thing.
The guys discuss the first time they were exposed to the movie and what their first reactions were to some of the gore and horror of the film.

Joey with a raspy voice gives us his history with the film and how he hadn't seen the movie until well into his 20's. Tim recounts his feelings on watching the cast interact with very little back story. While Geoff goes on a small tangent about Kurt Russell's character.

After many hours of speculation and discussion the four guys determine whether this movie is worth taking the time off their death clocks. With Joey fighting laryngitis the tangents about the cold, the base, and Swedish scientists stay relative short.

Hear this and more on this episode of Middle Age Movie Reviews.. 

Where to find the film : Amazon

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Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music.
The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.

Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies

Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?  

1 hour and 49 mins

        Tim:  Yes

        Tim's Remaining Death Clock (2,761 hours and 6 Min)

        Matt:  Yes

        Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,751 hours and 50 Min)

        Joey:  Yes

        Joey's Remaining Death Clock (2,769 hours and 28 Min)

        Geoff:  Yes

        Geoff's Remaining Death Clock (2,791 hours and 22 Min)

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Episode 48 -Akira (Anime or Japanimation)

  MIDDLE AGE MOVIE REVIEWS Year #2 EPISODE 48 - Akira (Anime or Japanimation?)