EPISODE 45 - Groundhog Day(Sonny Bono's Biggest Hit)
It's another fine day here at Middle Age Movie reviews as the guys are joined again by Andres from the Andres' Pop Culture Guy and Cyber from CyberneticShark YouTube channels. There is a bit of Deja Vu as the guys discuss this classic from 1993 Starring Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell. Groundhog Day.
Matt gives us the synopsis of our film tonight in the vein of needle nose Ned. The guys also discuss when the first time they seen the film. Oddly enough not a who lot of them saw this in the theater, but have seen it several times since in came out on DVD or VHS.
Tim and Joey share a love for Chris Elliot in this film and take a little more time in discussing his acting ability. Matt also talks a little bit about the fox TV show Get A Life which featured both Chris Elliot and Bryan Doyle Murray.
Cyber lays down some great factoid about the clock prop and some of the behind the scenes tension that happened between Bill and Harold . Andres also gives us his opinion of the film and what the whole time loop is like in his point of view.
Finally we get the final thoughts on if this film is worth taking time off your Death Clock .
Where to find Cyber:
Where to find Andres
Email our show at Mamreviewpodcast@gmail.com
Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.
Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies
Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?
1 hour and 41 mins
Tim: Yes
Tim's Remaining Death Clock (2,746 hours and 25 Min)
Matt: Yes
Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,736 hours and 31 Min)
Joey: Yes
Joey's Remaining Death Clock (2,753 hours and 59 Min)
Cyber: Yes
Andres: Yes
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