Saturday, June 1, 2024

Episode 16 - Trap Shooting Groupie


EPISODE 16 - Trap Shooting Groupie

Directed by Sam Peckinpah

Thanks for joining us on this episode of Middle Age Movie Reviews as we discuss one of the first bloodier Western films by Sam Peckinpah, The Wild Bunch.  Joey, Tim and Matt tackle this 1969 classic about a group of bandits looking to score their one last heist that will allow them to retire.  The group is led by Joey as he walks through the storyline, while Tim and Matt give their ideas of the film's high and low points.  

The Middle Age Men also talk about the Actors William Holden and Robert Ryan’s squabble or who is the true lead in the film.  Plus the guys give their own top five list of Western films to watch before you die.   

Matt also gives a quick breakdown of the Temperance movement displayed at the beginning of the film.  A slight history lesson on Army uniforms and what a machine gun could do to a small village handled by a character similar to Yosemite Sam. 

Find out this and more on this episode of Middle Age Movie Reviews.

Where to find the film :  Amazon to purchase

Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.

Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies

Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?  

2 hour and 15 min

Tim:  No

Tim's Remaining Death Clock (2,776 hours and 20 min)

Matt:  Yes

Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,774 hours and 52 Min)

Joey:  Yes

Joey's Remaining Death Clock (2,778 hours and 33 Min)

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Episode 48 -Akira (Anime or Japanimation)

  MIDDLE AGE MOVIE REVIEWS Year #2 EPISODE 48 - Akira (Anime or Japanimation?)