Saturday, September 14, 2024

Episode 28 - The Terminator Review ( I'll be back)


EPISODE 28- The Terminator ( I'll be Back)

Our hosts Tim, Matt, and Joey are join by a new friend Geoff from parts unknown and Randal Silvey from the Grawlix Podcast. The five guys join forces to take down Skynet in this review of the James Cameron classic from 1984 The Terminator.

Randal tells us about his childhood memory of a

toy truck getting smashed before the Terminator takes out his first Sarah Conner. Joey tells us his opinion of Linda Hamilton and her cute looks. Tim gives us a quick peek into what he likes best about the film and hour it started the Tech Noir film genre.

Geoff gives us his look at the emotional beats to the film and it's all rounded out with Matt's impersonation of Kyle Reese during the synopsis.

Find out this and more on this episode of Middle Age Movie Reviews.. 

Where to find Randal and his group of podcasters.


Where to find the film : Amazon to Rent or Buy

Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music.
The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.

Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies

Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?  

1 hour and 47 mins

Tim:  YES.

Tim's Remaining Death Clock (2,764 hours and 41 Min)

Matt:  Yes.

Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,761 hours and 27 Min)

Joey:  Yes.

Joey's Remaining Death Clock (2,772 hours and 52 Min)

Geoff:  Yes.

Geoff's Remaining Death Clock (2,798 hours and 13 Min)
Randal:  Yes.
Randal's Remaining Death Clock (2,794 hours and 29 Min)

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