Saturday, August 10, 2024



EPISODE 26 - The Big Lebowski Review
(Shut Up Donnie!)

The guys are back at it with another film review. this time Tim is out to parts unknown and Jeff S. from The MCU''s Bleeding Edge comes in to fill out the panel.  Matt takes control of this episode and breaks down the episode with Rick's help on the synopsis.  Rick captures the feel and nuisance of the Dude to give us a great impression of Jeff Bridges.  

Joey and Matt discuss the films finer parts of over the top characters and absurd events that move the story along.  Rick gives us the view of the emotional drive of the main character The Dude.  Jeff also tells of his love for Maude Lebowski aka Julianne Moore.   

Rick also gives a look into the mind of Walter and Donnie and their relationship in this movie. Walter's manic personality and Donnie's laid-back attitude.

Find out this and a whole mess more about The Cohen brothers 1998 classic The Big Lebowski. And remember the MAM Reviews abide.

Direct Download

Where to find the film : Amazon Prime

Where to find Jeff S: Facebook

Where else to hear our Co-Host Rick: @DungeonMasterElite

Theme Song Eddies Twister provided by Open Music Archive.Org which is an open source public domain music. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole.

Middle Age Movie Reviews is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Death Clock - Death Clock 2,800 hours of movies

Is it worth taking the time to tick off your Death Clock?  

1 hour and 57 mins

Matt:  No, There are better Crime Noir Films

Matt's Remaining Death Clock (2,765 hours and 17 Min)

Joey:  No.

Joey's Remaining Death Clock (2,774 hours and 39 Min)

Rick:  No, maybe if you like slacker movies.

Rick's Remaining Death Clock (2,791 hours and 54 Min)
Jeff: Yes

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Episode 41 - Full Metal Jacket Review (a.k.a. Jelly Donut)

    MIDDLE AGE MOVIE REVIEWS EPISODE 41 - Full Metal Jacket (a.k.a. Jelly Donut)